Standards of behavior

As the contact person for your group, you are the only person I am in communication with. So a major responsibility rests with you in the selection of your friends for this tour and their behaviour on and off the bus.  You must make everyone in your group aware by emailing a link to this page or printing it out for them. If you are unsure of any one of these conditions, you agreed to ask and receive clarification prior to booking.

At Adelaide Winery and Brewery Tours & Partybuses we really want you to enjoy your tour. We put a lot of effort into presentation, equipment and scheduling. If you have a great day out, then you will tell your friends. After you have been on a Partybus cruise jiving to your music LOUD amongst the strobe lights of an evening, you will already have ideas about what occasion to include the Partybus in next.

Unfortunately all of this fun and frivolity can be too much for some. You know the story – it only takes one bad apple. Just one “friend of a friend” who can’t handle his/her alcohol. Hence BYO is limited to three (3) drinks per person per tour, and can include white wine (still or sparkling), beer, cider or commercially available ready to drink pre-mix such as scotch & cola and vodka cruisers. Not permitted are red wine, liqueur or straight spirits.

Liquor licensing laws in South Australia are quite user friendly, but also carry heavy fines. A security bond is payable for every event. This bond is refunded at our absolute discretion after the event pending positive feedback from our driver/host and venue staff.

When inquiring or placing a booking with us you expressly agree to our below Terms & Conditions, agree to adhere to refrain from Unacceptable Behavior and agree to cover all and any Additional Costs.

So in order for you, your driver and all other people who may see and hear us on the day to have a positively memorable experience, here are some house rules:

Terms & Conditions

Quotes and prices

  • All published prices for vehicles and venues are a guide only, and are subject to change without notice
  • Written quotes are valid for 30 days
  • Your booking is accepted as confirmed with us once we accept it in writing
  • Each job needs to be fully pre-paid.  Payments become non-refundable within 45 days of your event
  • Unscheduled stops, additional guests, waiting or overtime may attract additional charges.  Group transfers include a 10 minute gratis grace period, after which waiting time is payable.


  • Vehicles have photo, video and sound recording devices. All sound and vision obtained is the property of Adelaide Partybuses, and you consent to its unconditional use
  • We reserve the right to substitute vehicle size and type at our absolute discretion
  • We may use more than one vehicle & driver for any event, tour or transfer at our absolute discretion

At times circumstances dictate vehicle changes and substitutions.  We do our best to meet and exceed your expectations at all times, because we WANT you to have a great time and come back again and again.  But on rare occasions circumstances beyond our control may force our hand including but not limited to vehicle maintenance, mechanical breakdowns, driver availability, weather, and unexpected scheduling changes.


Event planning

  • We often make venue bookings for tastings, meals and other visits for your group
  • You may need to pay a deposit to secure a venue visit, either to us to to the venue directly
  • Some venues require you to make contact with them directly, and you agree to do so without delay
  • We have no control over the accuracy, quality or quantity of any venue's offerings, eg drinks or food; any recommendations offered are purely based on past experience and are not intended to be guarantees of any kind
  • All itineraries remain our intellectual property.  Venues and times may only be changed or cancelled by us unless otherwise agreed to in writing.  If you cancel your bus booking with us, then we will likely re-use those scheduled visits for other groups
  • We offer the service of providing eskies for your use.  You may choose to use your own eskies, however these MUST be removed from the vehicle at the conclusion of each trip, including any transfers where our driver may leave to carry out other work.  (Also see After Event lost items below)
  • Driver will check photo ID - U18 must not consume alcohol on licensed premises
  • Strictly no alcohol consumption in vehicles for school formals regardless of age

On tour

  • Whilst on tour you and your guests EXPRESSLY AND IRREVOCABLY agree to adhere to our published Standards of Behavior on board and at venues including car parks, conveniences and all other public spaces.  See "Unacceptable behavior" examples below
  • At the conclusion of your event you and your guests agree to thoroughly check that everybody takes off the vehicle with them all personal belongings, purchases etc.
  • Any item(s) left on a vehicle after an event may be forfeit.  We will do our best to re-unite an owner and their phone/wallet/keys etc, and you agree to bear any cost incurred in that process.  Food or beverages including alcohol left behind will be discarded.

After Event

  • In the week following your event you will receive an email asking you for feedback about your experience
  • Bonds may be returned AT OUR ABSOLUTE DISCRETION in full or in part pending driver and venue reports within 7 days of receiving your bond return instructions

Verboten! Unacceptable behavior:

Any time during your event

  • Interfering with your driver in any way, including hair pulling, touching while driving
  • Abusive, aggressive, anti social behavior of any kind including verbal to anybody including each other
  • Drinking games involving sculling of alcohol
  • Public nudity, urination or similar
  • Theft, aka "souveniring" of items including drink glasses, signage, beer paddles

In vehicles

  • Smoking or vaping
  • Consumption of red wine (still or sparkling)
  • Consumption of alcohol in vehicles without a liquor license
  • Bringing open GLASS containers onto a bus without EXPRESS permission from us
  • Removal of open containers of alcohol from a vehicle at a venue without EXPRESS permission from the venue
  • Opening of doors while vehicle is in motion
  • Ejecting any item whatsoever out of a vehicle
  • Placing body parts outside (eg out of a window) while vehicle is in motion
  • Interfering with equipment or fittings

At venues

  • Not following reasonable directions of staff or driver
  • Swearing, foul language or excessively loud or obnoxious behavior
  • Bringing alcohol into a licensed venue - including the car park

Many wineries and eateries are family oriented. We go there all the time even though you may not. It is important to respect staff, your diver and other visitors.

Any breach of these conditions can lead to the offensive person being ejected from the vehicle and/or the whole tour being terminated immediately, wherever the bus may be, including the very first collection address! Your bond may be forfeited.  You will need to arrange your own way back home at your own cost.  There will be no refund.

Additional Costs

In ADDITION to any money you have paid, you agree to pay immediately on demand the cost of any of the following caused by any member of your group, regardless how well you know them:

  • Damage of any kind to vehicle or at venues
  • Theft, aka "souveniring"
  • Replacement items in case of breakage/damage
  • Cleaning of vehicle/venue after unreasonable soiling, including excessive dirt/mud, blood, vomit, drinks or any other spillage including leaking drink containers/eskies.

These lists are not exhaustive, and additionally you may be reported to SAPOL or another authority if there is suspicion or evidence of illegal activity.

By placing a reservation with Adelaide Winery Tours, Adelaide Beer Tours, Adelaide Airport Transfers or Adelaide Partybuses you expressly agree to be bound by all of our terms and conditions. 

I’m sure you agree that all of this is common sense, but it had to be said.

We look forward to serving you.

Partybus Steve

0488 235 444


Click to view Sample Tours

Adelaide Metro Beer

Adelaide Metro Wine

McLaren Vale Wine

McLaren Vale Beer

Barossa Valley Wine

Barossa Beer & Cider

Adelaide Hills Wine

Hills Beer, Gin & Cider

Eden Valley

Clare Valley

Langhorne Creek

Mystery Wine Tour

 Tour Prices


Coming soon


Cocktail Tours

Beanbag Tours

Riverland/Barossa 2 day

Southern Fleurieu

Coonawarra 2 day